A short tour of Trigonometric graphs


We begin with the curve of y = sin x. You may begin with other trigonometric curve.

The curve has a period of 360°, that is, it repeats itself after 360°.



The curve  y = sin 2x  has the same shape as y = sin x.  It has a period of 180°.

The curve y = sin x (in red) is compressed to form the curve y = sin 2x (in blue).

What do you think of the shape of the curve y = sin 3x?  What is its period?


The curve  y = sin (x/2) is formed by elongating the curve y = sin x.  Period now is 720°.


The amplitude of the curve y = 2 sin x   is doubled as compared with the original sine curve.


The curve y = sin (x - 30°) is formed by moving  y = sin x to the right by 30°.

Similarly, the curve y = sin (x + 30°) is formed by moving  y = sin x to the left by 30°.


The curve y = 1 + sin x is formed by moving  y = sin x  up by 1 unit.

The curve y = -1 + sin x is formed by moving  y = sin x  down by 1 unit.




The above is the curve  y = 1 + 1.5 sin (2x - 45°)

(1)        What are the steps of getting this curve?

(2)        What is the amplitude of the curve? and its period?

(3)        Do you think that the curve passes through the origin?